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Château de Panisse is located in the heart of Provence, the land of olive trees and olive oil, blessed with sun and blue skies where the Mistral wind blows. The location on 15 hectares around a 15th-century château, the varieties of olive trees and the aeration of the plantations have allowed these mature Fruité Vert and Noir d'Olives olives to obtain the AOC "Huile d'olive de Provence". Picholine, a single variety, is made of 100% Picholine olives from a neighboring orchard. Fruité Vert was awarded the gold medal at the 10th Concours National des Huiles d'Olives de France en Appellation d'Origine 2013 and the silver medal 2018 at the Concours Général Agricole de Paris et New-York. Noir d'Olives maturées won the gold medal at the Concours Général Agricole de Paris 2014, and in 2018 the gold medal at the AOC PDO olive oil competition in Nyons, as well as the 3rd Épicure d'Or from Épicerie Fine.
"Picholine" is a single-varietal extra virgin olive oil made from 100% Picholine olives, mostly grown in the south of France. Harvested during the veraison period, the oil is full of freshness and is characterized by herbal aromas. On the palate it is round and fatty, with a bitter and pleasant picholine acidity Picholine will enrich your various dishes and flavor your vinaigrette deliciously Drizzle goat cheese turnovers, simple al dente fresh pasta, grilled sea bream, sea bass carpaccio... This olive oil is a great ally for a healthy and gastronomic cuisine!

Extra virgin olive oil Picholine bottle 375ml

375 Centiliters
VAT Included
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