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The Isigny-Sainte-Mère cooperative operates in a geographical area of 35 km in the Cotentin and in the basin around Isigny-sur-Mer. This rich meadow area is a veritable "fountain of butter and cream" due to its rich and fertile soil (alluvial deposits, 170 days of rain per year perfectly distributed, mild summer temperatures and mild winters). The result is a milk rich in minerals, trace elements and oleic fatty acids. The dairy belongs to the producers and processes the collected milk within 48 hours in the traditional way.
Livarot can be recognized by its orange peel surrounded by 5 sedges (stripes of an aquatic plant), which also earned it the name "colonel". It is a cheese made of raw cow's milk, with a soft, slightly brackish, blond, melting mass and a washed rind. It has a strong smell and a strong local flavor, with floral aromas and a strong smoked charcuterie flavor.

This cheese is produced according to AOP Livarot in the Auge region of Normandy.

Livarot AOP 500g

500 Grams
VAT Included
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